Use the following steps to uninstall OOTP from Windows. Note: Before you uninstall, understand that uninstalling the game does NOT uninstall your license. If you intend on using your license on another computer (for example if you've bought a new one), you should uninstall your license BEFORE uninstalling the game!
Use the following steps to uninstall OOTP from your Mac. Note: Before you uninstall, understand that uninstalling the game does NOT uninstall your license. If you intend on using your license on another computer (for example if you've bought a new one), you should uninstall your license BEFORE uninstalling the game!
ootp 16 license key 21
Use the following steps to uninstall OOTP from your Linux machine. Note: Before you uninstall, understand that uninstalling the game does NOT uninstall your license. If you intend on using your license on another computer (for example if you've bought a new one), you should uninstall your license BEFORE uninstalling the game!
Purchasing OOTP entitles to you to license the game on two different systems, so you should not need to un-license the game under normal conditions. However, if you install the game on a third system and try to license it, you will receive an error message stating that "All licenses are in use". If this occurs, simply un-license the game on one system following the instructions listed in our Knowledge Base.
Note: Uninstalling your license does not remove your right to use the game! No matter how many times you install or uninstall your license, you will still be entitled to use the game on two separate computers simultaneously. Removing a license just frees up a license to install on another computer!
Our Adam raves about the Out of the Park Baseball series but apparently we've not even mentioned its makers' iced hockey series. Franchise Hockey Manager 3 [official site] will be coming on October 17, creators OOTP Developments have announced, and for the first time it'll have an official NHL license. 2ff7e9595c