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Build It Volume 3: Make Supercool Models With Your Lego Classic Set Brick Books Book Pdf - The Ultim


Brick Animals: 40 Clever and Creative Ideas to Make from Classic LEGO includes 40 original, ingenious, and unique buildable projects to make from LEGO pieces. Projects include a butterfly, parrot, raccoon, lion, rabbit, duck, beetle, polar bear, fox, elephant, panda, seal, bumble bee, piranha, goat, snake, cat, pig, sheep, cow, stork, lobster, frog, turkey, shark, horse, giraffe, camel, swan, crab, beaver, antelope, warthog, mouse, spider, ant, gorilla, rhinoceros, flamingo, and mosquito. While the projects are simple, and most of them use fewer than 100 bricks, children do get introduced to some very clever building-techniques. I think even older kids and adults would enjoy building these models.

Build It! Volume 1: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO Classic Set features 25 models, including animals airplanes, boats, houses, and more. They all can be built from the #10693 LEGO Classic Brick Box, so if you have that set, you are ready to go. But even if you have one of the other LEGO Classic sets, or a good selection of basic bricks, you should be able to build all the models, as they are quite simple. 88 pages, recommended for ages 5+.

Build It Volume 3 Make Supercool Models With Your Lego Classic Set Brick Books Book Pdf

Build It! Volume 2: Make Supercool Models with Your LEGO Classic Set includes instructions for 17 models that are slightly larger than in the previous books. They include prehistoric animals, desert animals, and more boats and airplanes. They can all be built from the #10695 LEGO Classic Brick Box, so if you have that set, you will be able to build all the models easily. 86 pages, recommended for ages 5+.

Build It! World Landmarks: Make Supercool Models with Your Favorite LEGO Parts is a bit different than the previous books in the series. Instead of a mixed collection of projects, the book focuses only on landmarks; The Empire State Building, The Eiffel Tower, and the Taj Mahal. Each of the projects still uses simple LEGO elements from the #10698 LEGO Classic Brick Box and the #21050 LEGO Architecture Studio sets (or similar bricks from your own collection). 70 pages, recommended for ages 5+.

These are the four volumes that has been released so far in the Build It! series, but there will be more to come next year; Build It! Things That Float: Make Supercool Models with Your Favorite LEGO Parts, Build It! Things That Go: Make Supercool Models with Your Favorite LEGO Parts, and Build It! Things That Fly: Make Supercool Models with Your Favorite LEGO Parts. As you can see, this is going to be a very nice series that can keep young LEGO fans busy for a long time. The books are $15.99 each, and are available on Amazon. Here are the links:

If you are wondering which series is better to get, I would say that the Build It! books are the most suitable for young children who are just starting out with LEGO (or transitioning from LEGO DUPLO to LEGO). The models are simple, and the instructions are big and easy to follow. While the models by Warren Elsmore also mainly use pieces from the LEGO Classic sets, they are more sophisticated. There is no age recommendation on these books, but I would say they would be enjoyable for ages 7+.



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